

Excerpt from Cape Odyssey 103: Woodstock

Posted on 16 July 2014

The following article is an excerpt from The Cape Odyssey 103: featuring Woodstock, Cape Town’s Earliest  Suburb. Permissions has gratefully been given by Gabriel Athiros from Historical Media.   The Treaty Tree   Place of Cape Surrender   In the heart of the industrial area, at the corner of Treaty and Spring Streets off Albert [...] Full Story

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Q&A with Historical Media before the launch of Cape Odyssey 103 Woodstock

Posted on 27 May 2014

Gabriel Athiros runs Historical Media which publishes the Cape Odyssey as well as other historical texts dealing with history in the local Cape. ILW met up with Gabriel Athiros before the launch of the latest Cape Odyssey featuring WOODSTOCK, Cape Town’s earliest suburb at BLANK BOOKS in Woodstock tomorrow (Wednesday 28 May). He will be [...] Full Story

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Woodstock Biz

Happiness in a Handbasket

Posted on 10 February 2014

ILW met up with Ute Kuhlmann, Woodstock resident, local activist, and writer/producer to talk about her just published book ‘Happiness in a Handbasket’, which features local products with many of them made/sold in Woodstock. The book includes over a 1000 local South African products from food & drink, clothes, shoes, bags & jewellery, baby and [...] Full Story

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Sculpture in Woodstock – STEVENSON & BLANK PROJECTS

Posted on 10 December 2013

This is the season and if you are remotely interested in cutting edge work, it’s here, in WOODSTOCK now. STEVENSON Check out STEVENSON’s summer exhibition on till 11 January –  A Sculptural Premise. Some 25 artists “explore our understanding of our three-dimensional reality through contemplations of space, volume and sculptural form across a range of [...] Full Story

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Bookshops in Woodstock Part 1: Bibliophilia

Posted on 11 February 2013

Situated in one of those beautiful old buildings in Albert Rd. (# 48 to be precise) you will find the bookshop Bibliofilia. Not an everyday joe bookshop. No Siree! Here you’ll find the latest books on contemporary art, graphic novels, design, street art and cult fiction. All displayed on zen-like white shelves. The being responsible for this eclectic shop is an inspiring individual. Xavier Nagel – the man behind Bibliofilia says, “Books are my life, I am book crazy.” Full Story

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The Leliebloem Farm

Posted on 19 July 2012

This is fifth installment of Jim Hislop’s fascinating history of the farms that made up Woodstock. You can also view Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and our general Woodstock history. The least well-known of the three adjoining ‘bloem’ farms of Woodstock, Leliebloem was a narrow property that was situated between Zonnebloem and Roodebloem. It [...] Full Story

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